I'm working on my real blog right now, this is only something I put up for now. Do NOT judge me or my company by what you see here :D Post something if you want! And visit http://www.firetown.com - it's good for you! :) Also: Add me as a friend on these social networks and visit the Political Network

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Web Applications and Certificates by VeriSupport

Compare them to VeriSign, GoDaddy and many, many more and you will see that this is the professional web certificate for you to increase better customer service and profits from your site.

I always tell my clients that when you create a site, you need to look at it like an office or a store. Having the right location (domain name) and the best appearance is a must as everything you do is going to reflect on your business in general.
Thank you very much for visiting my blogspot blog. Please visit Firetown.com and support the Mighty Eagle Foundation of Indonesia.

Mike Dammann

My other websites are

Real Estate Investing
Costa Rica Real Estate
Costa Rica Information
Mortgage Web Directory


Search Engine News and Information

Fire Town Web Design and SEO Services

Mission Statement: The purpose of this blog is to state the obvious in better ways. If you have any suggestions, email me.