I'm working on my real blog right now, this is only something I put up for now. Do NOT judge me or my company by what you see here :D Post something if you want! And visit http://www.firetown.com - it's good for you! :) Also: Add me as a friend on these social networks and visit the Political Network

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Welcome to my Blog!

Hi my name is Mike Dammann, I am an internet marketer and web site developer and finally I am doing a blog that has nothing to do with my business or anything else I do online on an average work day. I live in San Diego (Pacific Beach) and work out of Coronado, right accross from the famous Hotel Del.

Being online 6 hours a day can suck pretty bad, so it is always good to get sidetracked and post on other people's blogs in order to get re-motivated to deal with the technical aspects of your work.

if anyone has any ideas on what to start posting about, please let me know and start posting away. I will be in later to participate (let's try if this works).



Blogger Lever said...

Wow, nice view. Who needs an interesting desktop if they can see the Del from work?

Lucky you, just 6 hours online huh? LOL

Post subjects - music, books, films, daft observations, rants & raves, random thoughts, today at work my boss did something really dumb - he told me what to do etc...

December 7, 2004 at 12:24 AM

Blogger Mike Dammann said...

haha, thanks, bro.

I am just starting to post on others' blogs and hope more and more people will come here. Thing is, it is a lot easier for me to "butt into" other people's conversations than starting my own.

December 12, 2004 at 9:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good line ;)

August 29, 2005 at 1:39 PM

Blogger Mike Dammann said...

nice spam dudes

September 30, 2007 at 2:13 PM

Blogger Mike Dammann said...

I forgot how to edit spam with Blogger.

October 1, 2007 at 8:51 PM


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