Getting back into the SEO game.
It has been a few years since I really did this other than having a few clients and some sites of my own, but now I'm back in the game and love it.
It took some time to rekindle the fire. The one thing I can tell you right now is that in order to do SEO right, you need to have an interest in it other than money, or you need some good employees who are into it.
SEO can burn you out so quick and once you are on the wrong train, you will start hating Google, clients and everyone who asks you questions which you may or may not have the answer to right now.
Once you get to the point where you rank again and get good results, you will be able to go the extra mile knowing that as soon as you get it right, everything else will fall into place.
Here is some advice that I myself need to remember and some of you should definitely read:
1) Don't waste time on forum signatures or directory submissions unless you pay someone reliable to submit to good directories for you or get a good deal on some reputable forums member's signature links.
2) Contextual links from sites that Google likes benefit you in many ways.
a) Those blog posts, hubs or lenses usually rank immediately for a few terms that can get you business right away. If you create professional looking posts and informative hubs, people will contact you thru the link within those and you will be able to benefit within a day or less if done right. Spammy posts are not only dangerous when it comes to the well being of the blog they are on, you will also alienate potential clients. Find good places to post with a couple of links to your pages and put your heart into those, treat those like this is all you have right now to make a great impression to first time visitors.
b) Contextual links within blogs with good text will help you with credibility in Google and also with ranking you for terms related to surrounding text and anchor text of the links. It may only take you 3 or 4 of those posts to already make an impact and move you up. The better the links, the sooner you will have a trusted site of your own and be able to just maintain by adding meaningful content and getting links from other good sites as opportunity arises. The key is to break the ice with Google. It's almost like when you're dating, you say a few things here and there which get the girl's interest and once you get to the point where she likes you, you're in unless you really screw up (and believe me, whether it's with girls or Google, once you get arrogant and careless, that can happen and Google is patient, but not a doormat).
c) If you really want to benefit from links on forums, forget signatures. Adding one or two links in your long introduction post and a well written review request will benefit you just like links from blogs. But be personable, and networking is going to be a big part of it. Take your time when writing the posts. Share something that other members may not know. Establish credibility in the eyes of the readers and search engines will follow.
d) Do something that gets readers' attention. Whether it's a little joke or some info most readers are not aware of. It will go long ways, once you have moved up in Google, it's crucial to bank on it and keep the ball rolling. If you do things right in the beginning, you're golden.
3) Think outside of the box and find any site that seems to get traffic for terms you are after. Find out what it takes to get your banner or link on there. Pay, link back, do whatever. Make sure you get some good banners done, anything that get's people's attention. At the end of the day it's all about business. Algorithms change and the more presence you create, the better off you will be and you never want to depend on Google 100%.
4) Network with reputable marketers and get the word out about your own niche, and they will remember you when they come accross a potential client for you or a site which you may benefit from. Never be selfish, offer free links to those who do you right. Cut off the leaches, but don't be "link greedy". If you trust someone and he gives you a link, don't bug him asking him to change your anchor text daily. First of all, he has no time and secondly, instead of changing current anchors, your focus should be on spreading your word further and getting a variety of anchor texts on new blogs and sites. Work fast, jump on good opportunities and reward those who help you get results.
5) Spy on your competition. Look at the sites of those which are where you want to be. Don't copy their style, but get an idea on what it may be that gets them to be there. This is the part I love doing. Once I get an idea on what it is I haven't been doing and complete the circle by trying something new and moving up because of it, that is when things usually get a lot better and I learn some valuable lessons for many future projects as well as present ones.
If you are a beginner, I recommend learning on, if you know a little bit more, read SEO Book and check out some of the interviewees on Search Feature.
You may also want to check out Search Engine Roudtable to get a better feel about the industry. More than anything you need to find your own style and do what works for you. If you copy someone else's style, you will lose the respect of your peers and the interest of your readers.
After years in this business, I can tell you that reputation is everything.
An extra backlink is never worth losing it. When you have passion, energy and an interest to learn, then good things will come your way.
I'm planning to add a lot more info here and also work on some new interviews with SEO people which I personally have questions for. Less fluff, more substance. Those of you who have questions, leave them here or start a discussion there.
Share some of your own experiences and struggles when it comes to getting sites ranked and I'm sure others will chip in and get something out of it as well.
If there is anything I have learned, it's that positive energy never dies. What you put out there, you get back eventually.
And in everything you do, don't be afraid to be unique. Don't be scared to be you.
You can play it safe and stand on the sidelines afraid to get in the game or you can go for it and gain respect from onlookers for doing your best and getting better.
Watch some of those movies where the geek becomes a good football player and gets the girl.
That can be you.
In SEO and in real life. :)
~ Mike Dammann
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