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Sunday, October 05, 2008

Confusion in debates

I spend time on Facebook. I wake up to 100 notifications each day. People talk to me, even to each others on my profile. I love it, but many times I get put on the spot, and today would be a great example.
Rebecca wrote:
"I was reading this today:
"But the debate... Read More’s most telling passage arrived when Biden welled up in recounting his days as a single father after his first wife and one of his children were killed in a car crash. Palin’s perky response — she immediately started selling McCain as a “consummate maverick” again — was as emotionally disconnected as Michael Dukakis’s notoriously cerebral answer to the hypothetical 1988 debate question about his wife being “raped and murdered.” If, as some feel, Obama is cool, Palin is ice cold. She didn’t even acknowledge Biden’s devastating personal history."

...And I wondered what your take on this was. I personally, felt heartbroken for Biden; being a parent myself, I know I would be devastated if I lost my little lady. I would imagine that you would have similar feelings..."

So I responded:

"First off, the worst thing which ever happened in my life, was my first child being stillborn.
It's something I rarely talk about. No offense, but we have heard this story about Biden's family so much, that something I think, wow, why does this have to constantly be brought up again and again in a Presidential election.
I know that what happened in... Read More my case, is something I usually only tell very close friends.
In a VP debate where you have only so much time to answer each question, I think it's not right to bring this up again.
I mean, let me correct this: Yes, it's fine to bring it up, but you cannot expect this to dominate the debate.
I probably would have acknowledged it more, but then again, I can *somewhat* related, and she was there to do her job and you cannot hold against her after having heard about Biden's tragedy so many times and being prepared to do her job that night, to make a switch quickly. I hope I do not come off as insensitive, because my heart goes out to Mr. Biden I fail to see why we have to pay so much more attention to his tragey than 1,000s of similar ones happening to average people in the U.S. every single year.
This is about the 2nd highest office in the world and just like in a business meeting you don't bring your own personal story up again and again, we were watching the debate to get an idea of ... Read Morewhat that person may be like if elected as vice President."

and immediately felt bad adding:

"OK suddenly I feel bad about this post, because personal stories DO matter, but you cannot hold this against Sarah. I mean there is so much pressure on the candidates, I'm sure if she had a private convo with him, she would have been a lot more sensitive and receptive."

My point is that when you hold something like this against Palin, you have to also look at the fact that in politics you don't really want to bring in issues which are so far away from the cold hard world of elections, because it throws people off to the point where they are adrenalized and cannot simply switch emotions within a second.
Whenever Mr. Biden mentions his tragedy, I stand still. It touches me. And I do not like him as a VP candidate and think he would be an aweful choice.
Yes, Sarah should have stopped and acknowledged what he was saying, and then continue with her regular program.
She didn't. Does it mean she has no feelings? No! It may mean she is under pressure or overwhelmed.


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