Being successful is a crime
My mom's side is very well off and my dad's side probably what would be considered lower middle class.
My mom's dad always said "It doesn't matter what it is you do, just be great at it and take pride and you will make it in life" and I love a lot of what he said, which unfortunately had to be passed on to me by my mom since he died when I was 6 months old.
I hear what Mr. Biden said about McCain's 7 kitchen tables and I have immediately realized that a guy like him is going to be an aweful choice to handle economical issues.
If you are of a jealous nature, you need to live a life which doesn't impact others too much. Negativity and jealousy has no business in the oval office. My dad's side would always make negative comments out of envy yet they never did anything to improve their own lives. They even tried to discourage me from doing what I had to to be successful in life and wanted me to always play it safe and just live the sort of life that would not make them even more envious of me.
But that is how a lot of people are and there is a reason that we elect successful people. Winners. McCain is a winner in life. I want him up there and not some little whiner or victim.
America needs to be bigger than that. In Europe it is the way to go, talk bad about those who are doing better than you. Take the high road guys.
Pick a winner and not a whiner!
kinda on but also off the subject: you know, i do not care how many houses McCain has. i feel much better about all of McCains houses than i do Obama not doing anything about his brother over in Kenya living in a hut on 1 buck a month. yet we do not hear as much about that as we have about all of McCains houses. and besides, i consider being prosperous or well off to be apart of the American Dream. Since when was that ever a crime? its not, but it is punishable by Obama and the media
August 23, 2008 at 5:08 PM
I didn't even hear about his brother before, but the way that I see Obama, I am not surprised. Obama seems to be all about himself and doesn't appear to understand that being courteous and helping someone other than yourself does not have to be a sign of weakness.
August 23, 2008 at 9:41 PM
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