Universal Healthcare
To many Americans this is a keyissue in this election. I grew up in Europe and remember my aunt sending my cousin in the U.S. money, because they couldn't afford their doctor bill at the time and I was thinking "No free healthcare? Since when do you have to pay a doctor?".
Years later I wound up in the position where I wound up in debt over a surgery my wife needed and I realized that indeed, there are situations in life where you do need help. But the reason it happened was because I delayed singing up for a healthcare plan the company I worked for offered by a week and guess what, within that week the emergency arose.
I do believe that the free market is the only way to go given that everyone has an opportunity to rise and succeed. Unlike Europe where you have a strong class system, America does not judge people by their background. It's actually a badge of honor having grown up poor and succeeding at the end while in Europe it's not that easy finding respect amongst the upper class if you dad was a plumber.
I choose a society where I have the opportunity to fight for my needs over one that puts me in a box and then hands me a cookie here and there to shut me up.
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